Work Hard, Dream Big
Dalton Venture is a LifeScience-dedicated VC fund , focusing on the early and growth stage investment opportunities and mergers and acquisitions in medical services and innovative medical technologies. The core team of Dalton Venture is from the medical and healthcare industry, with rich experience in enterprise operation management, investment and mergers and acquisitions.
From Industry, Understand Industry
We have extensive experience in incubating early-stage companies as well as managing billion-dollar listed companies. We has built valuable investment eco-chain, relying on deep industry experience and resources to provide strong investment support for the invested companies and create high-value returns for partners.
Create Unicorns Instead of Chasing Them
We are convinced that technological progress and institutional change are the two major factors in pushing the human race forward. Thus, we are actively seeking and nurturing entrepreneurs with the same ideas, continuous innovation capabilities, and keenly capturing social change.
Partner with Entrepreneurs
We are focused on medical services and innovative medical technologies, such as medical services, medical AI, women and child health. high-end medical devices, and gene and cell therapy.
From Industry, Understand Industry
We have extensive experience in incubating early-stage companies as well as managing billion-dollar listed companies. We has built valuable investment eco-chain, relying on deep industry experience and resources to provide strong investment support for the invested companies and create high-value returns for partners.
Create Unicorns Instead of Chasing Them
We are convinced that technological progress and institutional change are the two major factors in pushing the human race forward. Thus, we are actively seeking and nurturing entrepreneurs with the same ideas, continuous innovation capabilities, and keenly capturing social change.
Partner with Entrepreneurs
We are focused on medical services and innovative medical technologies, such as medical services, medical AI, women and child health. high-end medical devices, and gene and cell therapy.